Woman refused to pay, broke glass and bit staff member at town restaurant

A woman boasted about splashing out on her friends at a restaurant – but then refused to pay the bill and tried to bite a staff member.

Norma Shead, 39, of Panton Close in Lynn, appeared at the town’s magistrates’ court on Thursday.

She had pleaded guilty to a number of offences at an earlier date, with her case adjourned for a pre-sentence report to be carried out.

The Royal Gourmet restaurant in Lynn, where Norma Shead committed some of her offences. Picture: Google Maps
The Royal Gourmet restaurant in Lynn, where Norma Shead committed some of her offences. Picture: Google Maps

These included various thefts from shops, stealing a pedal bike, assault and making off from a restaurant without paying.

Crown prosecutor Emma Pocknell told the court that on May 27, Shead was part of a table of three at the Royal Gourmet restaurant in South Lynn. Shead made frequent boasts during their visit about the fact that she was going to pay the bill and that “everything is on me”.

However, when the time came to pay, she told staff that both she and her companions had forgotten their wallets.

When they attempted to leave without paying their £124.90 bill, one staff member grabbed Shead’s arm – and she retaliated by attempting to bite them.

She then threw a cocktail glass behind the bar as she left the venue, smashing it in the process.

Shead’s theft offences also included her stealing washing products and cider valued at £93.73 from Lynn’s SPAR store, as well as £47.13 worth of items from Poundstretchers.

On June 1, she had stolen a pedal bike after noticing it sitting outside a property. It is valued at £100, but was recovered.

Magistrates, led by Martin Redhead, handed Shead a 24-month community order for her spate of offences. This will require her to complete up to 15 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement days, as well as a six-month alcohol treatment requirement.

She will also pay £50 in compensation to the restaurant worker she attempted to bite, £93.73 to SPAR, £50 in legal costs and a £114 victim surcharge.