Woman dies after collapsing at town address

A woman in her 40s has died after collapsing in a town address.

Police were called to Metcalf Avenue in South Lynn at 4.38pm yesterday to assist paramedics, who had sent a number of vehicles to the scene – with an air ambulance spotted in the area.

A woman, aged in her 40s had collapsed at a property on the street and later died.

Metcalf Avenue was reopened at 7.45pm yesterday. Picture: Kris Johnston
Metcalf Avenue was reopened at 7.45pm yesterday. Picture: Kris Johnston

A seal was in place whilst emergency services attended, but was lifted at 7.45pm.

Officers are not currently treating the death as suspicious.

Emergency services closed off Metcalf Avenue in South Lynn yesterday. Pictures: Kris Johnston
Emergency services closed off Metcalf Avenue in South Lynn yesterday. Pictures: Kris Johnston

The ambulance service has been contacted for comment.