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Wildlife and tree planting initiatives in town

today 23

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A series of planting and wildlife initiatives have been taking place in a West Norfolk town.Trees and wildflowers have been planted on The Howdale at Downham Market and boxes to encourage particular breeds of birds have also been installed in other areas of the town.Andy Bullen, West Norfolk councillor for North Downham Ward, said the borough council has been cooperating with Downham Wildlife Group and Nature Volunteer Network in planting new trees at The Howdale and preparing wildflower beds on The Howdale and memorial field.

Planting at Downham Market

Mr Bullen, a member of the borough council’s environment and community panel, recently chaired the Urban Wildlife Working Group.“The group has made recommendations for the installation of swift bricks, bee bricks, bat boxes and hedgehog house highways in all new buildings along with a nest box trail in King’s Lynn and bee highways. “This is all part of helping wildlife in the borough and also helping residents engage with wildlife which is recognised as having wide benefits for wellbeing and mental health improvement,” he said.He added other initiatives in the borough include various new towers for birds such as house martins and a tower in Downham Market Town Hall for swifts, supported by the town council.Businesses have also been supportive of the initiatives with Didlington Nurseries donating some mature trees.

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