What do you think of hospital’s entertainment system?

Patients and carers are being asked about how they want to be entertained while staying at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

The QEH’s survey, which opened yesterday, will be used to gather feedback about the current entertainment system at the hospital on Gayton Road.

The results will be used to understand their thoughts on the existing offerings and gather insights on what they consider important for a future system.

King's Lynn's Queen Elizabeth Hospital
King’s Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital

The survey invites participation from those who have recently been inpatients, outpatients or are carers for adult inpatients or parents of children.

The current patient entertainment system at the QEH is available via a unit at the patient’s bedside, offering free outgoing calls to a landline and two minutes free to a mobile (time-limited), a period of free standard TV each day, paid TV and hospital radio.

The hospital trust wants to hear from patients and carers, regardless of whether they have used the system, to understand their perspectives and ask what they would like.

Linda Purdy, associate director of patient experience at QEH, said: “We want our patients and their carers to have the best possible experience while they’re with us.

“Hearing first hand from our patients will help us create a patient entertainment system that truly meets the needs and preferences of our patients, making a hospital stay more enjoyable.”

To ensure anonymous feedback, participants are encourage to complete the survey by visiting https://bit.ly/QEHPatientEntertainmentSurvey.

Inpatients can also participate in the survey by speaking to a family liaison officer.

The survey is now open and will close on Sunday, June 4.