West Norfolk youngsters win at Cambridge

Under-13 players from West Norfolk Rugby Club stepped out for their first youth fixture of the season against a strong and experienced Cambridge side.

Supporters turned out in force to support both teams on what turned out to be an unexpectedly sunny but blustery morning at Cambridge Rugby Club.

The visitors came out with fighting spirit in abundance and were keen to show off some of their well-drilled ball skills and tackling technique.

West Norfolk Under-13s
West Norfolk Under-13s

West Norfolk scored an impressive five tries in the first half despite Cambridge showing a strong and impressive defence.

The visitors went on to secure flurry of tries before the end of the second half.

After a short break, the teams regrouped and played a further game with a strong and disciplined West side dominating the field.

West Norfolk worked well together to secure try after try despite some fantastic tackling and defence work from Cambridge.

West Norfolk were switched on right from the whistle to ensure they didn’t concede.

Both teams demonstrated the core rugby values throughout what was a thoroughly enjoyable game to watch.

Thanks to head coach Adrian Walshe from Cambridge Rugby Club for the warm welcome and hospitality post-match.

Forward-of-the-match: Ash Thompson.

Back-of-the-match: Ethan Kilian.

Coaches player-of-the-match: Kiyan Medina.

Try scorers were: Jack Godfrey-Leggett, Ash Thompson, Ben Taylor-Bunting, Ethan Kilian, Kiyan Medina, Charlie Cook, Freddie Farr, Finley Smith-Parry.

If your child has been inspired by the Rugby World Cup, West Norfolk Rugby Club is hosting a Leicester Tigers Rugby Training Camp during the October half-term between October 23 and 26.

Places are limited but there is still availability.

Core Camp is for four full days for U9s to U15s, Tag Camp us three half-days for U7s and U8s, Development Camp is three half-days for U14s to U16s and Girls’ Camp is two full days for U12s, U14s and U16s

To book your place on any of the camps, please follow the link: https://tickets.leicestertigers.com/en-GB/categories/RugbyCamp-WestNorfolkRFC