
Under-15 girls triumph in East Anglian League match

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The weather was glorious for the second East Anglian League athletics match that took place at Alive Lynnsport at the weekend.There was a good home turnout from West Norfolk’s composite team made up of athletes from West Norfolk, Dereham AC and North Norfolk Harriers.The performances came thick, and often fast. They included no fewer than 30 personal bests from the home team from across all the age groups.Ryston Runners AC, Waveney Valley AC, Great Yarmouth & District AC, Attleborough AC and Thetford AC were worthy opponents, and all battled hard in the rare sunshine.The U15 girls’ team owned the track and field winning their age group. Whilst the Under 13 and 15 boys teams also stepped up and both came in a close second place.This had to be one of the best team turnouts for a few years and there were many positive comments from other club athletes and parents about how great the day was.As always, a massive thank you must go out to all those behind the scenes making the event run. All those scribes, scorers, field officials, timekeepers, coaches, team managers, parents, and the catering team worked hard all day for free.The next match and final league match will take place at Norwich on June 23 with places at the finals at stake.Results Southern Athletics LeagueWest Norfolk Athletics Club composite team The Under 13 girls finished third with 72 points.Lydia Hopkins, ran in the A string 100 m, 4th 15.2sec. 800m B string, 2nd, 3m.08.5sec. Elly Jackson, High Jump, 1st 1.20m. 100m B string, 2nd, 15.2sec (PB). Long Jump A string, 3rd, 3.62m.Sofia Mackevicute, Javelin, 1st, 11.22m. 200m, 5th, 32.7sec (PB). Long Jump n/s 3.75m. Ophelia Fowell, 800m A string, 2nd, 2m58.5sec. 70m hurdles, 2nd, 15.3sec (PB). Shot Put A string, 4th, 4.40m.Emilia Farnell, 1500m A string, 5m.45.4sec. Casey Ward, 1500m B string, 6m.08.7sec. Long Jump B string, 3.32m (PB).The under-13 boys finished second with 75 points.Luke Anderson, 200m A string, 1st place, 28.1sec. 100m A string, 2nd, 13.7sec (PB) Long Jump, B string, 1st, 4.44m.Bryce Whitlock, 100m B string, 1st, 14.4sec. Long Jump, n/s 3.76m.Samuel Howard, 200m B string 3rd, 33.7sec. Shot Put, A string, 4th, 5.06m (PB). 100m n/s, 15.4sec.Matas Petreikis, 75m hurdles, 1st, 14.1sec and in the Long Jump, A string, 1st, 4.55m (PBs), High Jump, 2nd, 1.10m.Rhys Howard, Shot Put B string, 2nd, 4.19m (PB). Javelin n/s, 14.69m.Wilf Gosnell, Discus, 3rd 12.17m. Javelin, 2nd, 17.37m (PB).The under-15 girls were first with 99 points.Rebecca Johnson, 75m hurdles, 1st, 12.0sec. 100m, 1st, 13.0sec (PB).Myley Gilboy, 200m A string, 1st , 29.8sec. Shot Put A string, 2nd, 5.41m (PB).Eva Townshend, 200m 1st place, B string, 31.1sec and in the 800m A string, 1st, 2m.41.0sec (PBs).Saffron Howell, 300m 1st, 48.6sec.Alice Thompson-Read, 1500 m A string, 1st, 5m40.8sec (PB).Jessica Lawrence, 1500m B string, 1st, 6m.17.8sec. 200m n/s, 32.2sec.Malou Lewis, High Jump, 2nd, 1.15m.Danielle Wathan, Shot put B string, 2nd, 5.01m. Long Jump, 4th, 3.33m (PB) 100m n/s 16.9sec.Anya Faithorn, Javelin, 2nd, 21.53m (PB), 300m n/s 50.2sec.Beatrix Brun, 1500m, n/s 5m16.8sec.The under-15 boys finished in second with 64 points.Harry Woodgett, 100m A string, 3rd, 13.6sec (PB).Oliver Gayton, 200m B string, 1st, 31.6sec. 100m B string, 2nd, 14.2sec. Long Jump B string, 2nd, 3.90m (PB).Ethan Ward, 200m A string, 2nd, 29.9sec. Javelin, 1st 21.94m (PB).Aidan Howard, 800m A string, 3rd, 2m.43.0sec. Long Jump B string, 1st 3.89m. Discus, 1st, 12.94m.Harry Woodgate, 800m B string, 2nd, 2m42.9sec.Under 17 women finished second with 49 points.Emma Theobold, 100m A string, 4th, in 14.5sec. 200m 3rd, 32.2sec.Isla Jackson, 100m B string, 1st, in 14.5sec. Triple Jump, 1st, 9.06m. Long Jump, 2nd, 3.94m.Eloise Edridge, 300m, 2nd, 52.8sec. 800m n/s 2m45.7sec.Evie Clayton, 800m A string, 1st, 2m41.7sec (PB).Beatrice Green, 800m n/s 2m38.6sec.4x100m relay finished 2nd in 59.4sec.The under-17 men’s team finished fourth with 28 points.Alfie Bone, High Jump, 1st, 1.60m. 3000m 3rd, 10m30.8sec.Isaac Skivington 400m, 3rd place, 61.4sec (PB). 3000m n/s 10m31.9sec.Henry Gosnell, 800m, 2nd place, 2m22.7sec. Discus, 3rd, 12.89m.Milo Debbage, 800m, 2nd place, 2m22.7sec.Charlie Frammingham, 800m n/s 2m07.9sec.Josh Tinsdale, 3000m n/s, 10m 32.1sec.The senior women’s team were third with 76 points.Amelia Barton, 100m A string, 3rd, 14.0sec.Hannah Greenhalgh, 100m B string, 1st 13.4sec a new Personal best. 200m A string, 2nd, 27.2sec.Lucy Edwards, 200m B string, 2nd, 29.1sec.Lily Edwards, Shot Put B string, 4th, 3.87mEsme Jones, 800m A string, 1st, 2m30.5sec.Nicky Neill, 800m B string, 1st, 2m39.6sec. Shot Put A string, 4th, 6.10m.Cassie Moden, 3000m, 1st, 11m02.1sec.Lily Frammingham, Long Jump A string, 3rd, 4.03m. Javelin B string, 6.84m. 100m n/s, 14.2sec (PB). 200m n/s, 32.1sec.Emma Dewdney, Long Jump B string, 2nd, 3.52m. Discus A string, 4th, 14.97m. 100m n/s 15.0sec.Carole Preston, Discus B string, 4th, 13.06sec. Javelin A string, 5th 11.17m.The senior men’s team were third with 99 points.Louis Preston, Javelin A string, 2nd, 39.51m (PB). 100m A string, 4th, 12.4sec. 200m A string, 5th, 26.0sec. Discus A string, 2nd, 22.01m.Cameron Ross, 100m B string, 3rd, 13.7sec. 200m B string, 3rd, 29.2sec. Long Jump A string, 4th, 4.37m.Mitchell Bunn, 400m A string, 3rd, 53.8sec. 3000m B string, 1st, 9m24.7sec.Arran Reeve, 400m B string, 2nd, 59.6sec. 3000m n/s, 10m30.1sec.Karl Brown, 800m A string, 2nd, 2m15.5sec. High Jump, joint 2nd, 1.55m.Rob Gosnell, 800m B string, 3rd, 2m46.5secCallum Stanforth, 3000m A string, 1st, 9m12.3sec (PB).Adam Howard, Long Jump B string, 2nd, 3.98m. Shot Put A string, 3rd, 7.52m. Hammer, 3rd, 16.20m. Javelin B string, 3rd, 31.12m. 800m n/s 2m38.3sec.Jack Pishorn, Shot Put B string, 3rd, 6.51m. Discus B string 3rd, 18.18m.Charlie Williams, non-scorer – Shot Put, 11.17m (PB). Discus, 36.38m.Alfie Williams, non-scorer – Shot Put, 14.75mChris Elmer, 3000m n/s 9m55.9sec.4x100m relay finished in 3rd place 50.6sec.Under 11sJames Watts 600m, 1m53.9sec. 80m 13.0sec (PBs).Poppy Roylance 600m, 2m32.8sec. Long Jump, 2.95m and 80m race, 13.6sec (PBs).Kasey Gray 600m, 2m43.3sec. Long Jump, 2.38m. 80m, 15.7sec.Ollie Anderson Long Jump, 3.22m (PB). 80m, 13.8sec.Sofia Gilboy, Long Jump, 2.79m. 80m, 13.9sec. Shot Put, 4.29m.

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