Town Guides lecture sees full venue

The assembly room of Lynn’s Town Hall was full with more than 100 people as the Town Guides held their annual lecture.

The event, which took place on Saturday, heard David Flintham (right), the project director of King’s Lynn Under Siege, present his research about the town’s defences dug in the English Civil War 380 years ago.

The fortifications are the theme of a new walk in the guides’ schedule, ‘Town Walls in the Civil War’ which will run during King’s Lynn Festival on June 19 and July 19.

David Flintham (right) with Cllr Lesley Bambridge, mayor of the BoroughCouncil of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk and Ivor Rowlands, chairman, King’s LynnTown Guides (63213064)
David Flintham (right) with Cllr Lesley Bambridge, mayor of the BoroughCouncil of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk and Ivor Rowlands, chairman, King’s LynnTown Guides (63213064)

The annual Diana Bullock Memorial Lecture saw West Norfolk’s Mayor Cllr Lesley Bambridge attend where she gave her vote of thanks. A new season of walks ran by the Town Guides will open on Tuesday, April 4 and has been extended to five days a week.

As well as the regular ‘Historic Lynn’ tour specialist walks are: “A Medieval New Town”, “Sailors Smugglers and Merchant Adventurers”, “Gaywood Through Time”, “The North End: Trade, Buildings and People”, “Royal King’s Lynn”. “The River Walk”, “The Hanse and the Warehouse on the Wash”, “A Walk in the Parks” and “Four Churches and a Chapel”.