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‘There is no excuse,’ admits man who drug-drove his Audi

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A man who got behind the wheel after taking cannabis admitted he had “no excuse” for doing so.Daniel McGee, 31, of Minster Court in Lynn, appeared at the town’s magistrates’ court on Thursday.He pleaded guilty to a drug-driving offence which he committed on the A1101 at Outwell on May 14 last year.

Daniel McGee was under the influence of cannabis when he drove on May 14 last year. Picture: iStock

Police had been alerted to the possibility that he may have been driving his Audi while under the influence, and upon pulling him over, they noticed its front floodlights were missing.McGee appeared “agitated”, according to crown prosecutor Asif Akram, and a roadside drug swipe subsequently returned a positive result for cannabis.He was therefore arrested and taken into custody, where evidential tests revealed he had 7mcg of the Class B drug per litre of blood in his system. The legal limit to drive is 2mcg.Appearing in court unrepresented, McGee told magistrates that he does not currently have a job because he stays at home with his children, allowing his partner to work.He said that losing his driving licence will have a “massive impact” on his daily routine as he currently drops his children off at school before picking them up later in the day.On his offence, however, he added: “There is no excuse for it, really.”Magistrates subsequently disqualified McGee from driving for 12 months.He will also pay a £120 fine, £48 victim surcharge and £50 in court costs.

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