Local News

The difference between ‘heating and eating’ is the sad choice

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As the cost of living crisis continues to have a massive impact on us all, this Christmas will be an even tougher time for many West Norfolk families.As daily living costs continue to rise and hit hard, this time of year is a choice between “heating or eating” for some of our community. Local food banks continue to give out thousands of emergency parcels and the charities our appeal supports tell us each year how your donations help to keep their vital services running.Homelessness can affect anyone at anytime and as we start to think about putting the Christmas decorations up, spare a thought for those less fortunate in our community who are experiencing difficult times.

Lynn food bank’s strategic project manager, Helen Gilbert. Picture: Ian Burt

This is the sixth year we have asked our readers to dig deep to help others and, we know it’s a big ask, but you never fail to amaze us with your generosity.The YLP Winter Appeal supports King’s Lynn charities the Night Shelter, The Purfleet Trust, the town’s food bank and also Downham Market Food Bank.We are asking for cash/cheque donations (not food items) which will enable the charities to spend the money on what they need most.

Night shelter director Lucy McKitterick. Picture: Ian Burt

YLP editor Sue Irving said: “We know that any amount really helps. It doesn’t have to be a big donation, just a few pounds will help to go a long way at this time of the year. Whatever you can spare and whatever we can raise between now and January will be greatly appreciated.” Lynn Food Bank strategic project manager Helen Gilbert said: “At King’s Lynn Food Bank we provide emergency food and practical support to people in their hardest moments. We also work together with professional partners and local organisations to ensure everyone gets the right help and advice long before they need a food bank.“So far this year, we’ve given out 5,586 food parcels, which fortunately has stayed about the same as 2023. We are so grateful for the support that the people of West Norfolk give us – it is vital in ensuring this work continues, especially over the winter months which are a real struggle for so many in our community who have to choose between heating and eating.” Joy Wylie, fundraising and communications manager at The Purfleet Trust, said: “We know that homelessness can impact anyone, and we are committed to helping people move forward through personalised holistic support and meaningful opportunities. Our services are tailored to meet each person’s unique needs, whether it’s finding secure housing, building new skills, securing employment, or enhancing health and wellbeing.

The Purfleet Trust’s HQ at Austin Fields in Lynn

“Your support of the Winter Appeal enables us to continue this essential work for every vulnerable person who comes to us. Times are challenging for many, and now more than ever, your generosity means so much to our team and to those we support.“Each donation, no matter the size, has a direct impact: £2 provides a warm pair of socks to keep feet healthy, £5 funds hot drinks for someone for a week at our centre, £15 covers breakfast and lunch for a week for someone at our centre, £20 funds a counselling session to support mental health, £50 provides a kitchen starter pack for someone moving into a new home.“Thanks to your continued generosity, we can provide these essential services year round, ensuring that everyone who reaches out to us feels safe, supported, and valued. Thank you for standing with us in our mission to end homelessness in West Norfolk.” For the first time in its seven-year history, the night shelter is now open all year round and in urging people to support the appeal, director Lucy McKitterick explained how your donations will help to “put a roof over people’s heads”.She said: “We’re so grateful to Your Local Paper for including us in this year’s Winter Appeal.“The night shelter is as busy as ever this year with a full house of guests all with different needs, and for all of them we provide a room of their own 24/7, hot meals, and one to one support to find suitable move-on accommodation.“Some of our guests have become homeless for the first time before coming to us – perhaps as a result of a relationship breakdown, a bereavement or ill health.
Others have had no settled home for a long time. “Our guests tell us that being homeless is traumatic and dangerous at any time of year, but the winter weather brings an additional challenge, and the loneliness
of being homeless at Christmas.“The one thing all our guests have in common is that they would have nowhere safe to stay without your help. The night shelter receives no local or national government funding and we are grateful for any help YLP readers are able to give – we’ll be putting all the Winter Appeal donations towards the rent of St John’s House (the night shelter’s lovely home) this winter so you will be putting a roof over our guests’ heads and making sure they have safety, warmth and support.“We’ll also be looking for volunteers again from January – please do feel free to be in touch.”YLP readers in Downham Market can help the food bank at the town’s Eternity church by taking donations direct to Eternity or via the post. Cash and cheques for the night shelter, Lynn food bank and Purfleet Trust can be dropped into YLP office at 17 Tuesday Market Place in Lynn. If you are dropping a cash donation into YLP, please write the name/names of the charity you are supporting on an envelope for us to forward on your behalf.Please do not post or drop donations through our old office door in King Street.Cheques should be made payable to King’s Lynn Night Shelter, The Purfleet Trust or King’s Lynn Foodbank, and can also be given/posted directly to the charities.Cheques for the Downham food bank should be made payable to: Eternity Downham Market (please write DM foodbank on the back) and posted/dropped into: Downham Market Foodbank, Eternity Downham, Sovereign Way, Trafalgar Industrial Estate, Downham Market PE38 9SW. Lynn Night Shelter is based at St John’s House in The Walks, Lynn food bank is at the TS Vancouver building, South Quay, and The Purfleet Trust is at Pathway House at Austin Fields.Thank you for your help.

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