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‘Thank you for letting me be part of your lives’: Minister to move on to pastures new

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It has been a time of mixed emotions for the leader of a West Norfolk Methodist church as he leaves the area to take up a new appointment.The Rev Robert Roberts has recently shared in the joy of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the Methodists and Anglicans sharing St Faith’s Church at Gaywood for worship and mission.He has also experienced the sadness, shared with church members, of the death on July 1, at the great age of 102, of veteran Methodist member, Elaine Price-Jones.

Rev Robert Roberts at the London Road Methodist Church in Lynn in 2019

One of his last duties in Gaywood was on June 29 when he was invited to officially open St Faith’s summer fair in Gaywood Church Rooms. The fair raised about £720 for church funds.Tomorrow, people from across the Methodist community – Rev Roberts was the West Norfolk Superintendent Minister – will gather at Lynn’s London Road Methodist Church at 4pm for a farewell service followed by an afternoon “bring and share” tea and everyone is welcome to attend.On July 7, members of St Faith’s bid farewell to the Rev Roberts, their Methodist minister for the past five years.

Rev Robert Roberts, right, pictured in 2022 at St Faith’s Church with, from left, Rev Karlene Kerr, Rev Kyla Sorenson, Dr Jane Steen and Rev Sally Theakston

Rector the Rev Kyla Sorensen presented him with a signed card and cheque from church members. Tributes and thanks were paid to the Rev Roberts’ work by St Faith’s senior Methodist steward Joan Greening and the Rev Kyla.They wished him and his minister wife Debbie God’s blessings as they are set to move to Brigg in Lincolnshire. The organist played ‘For he’s a jolly good fellow’ and there was applause from the congregation as he left the Gayton Road church.

Rev Robert Roberts at the Lynn’s London Road Methodist Church with musician John Barker

Mrs Greening reminded the congregation that Rev Roberts’ arrival at Gaywood was closely followed by the Covid lockdown – making it a very difficult time for everyone.She said of the Rev Roberts, originally from Detroit in America: “You have brought a hint of American culture and humour to your sermons.”Mrs Greening said his work as Circuit (West Norfolk) Superintendent involved considerable behind-the-scenes activity. Rev Roberts had previously written in Rejoice! (the Circuit magazine) of his leaving Gaywood and West Norfolk.”I thank you all for letting me be part of your lives and will always treasure that your lives have been part of mine for the past five years,” he said.

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