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Take a look back at when whole school dressed as 101 Dalmatians and antiques show visited retail park

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In our weekly All Our Yesterdays feature we look back through the pages of old editions of the Lynn News for March village views…March 2016: Southery Academy is launched by head teacher Julian Goodrum (right) and David Pomfret, chief executive of CWA Academy Trust, with some of the students in their smart new uniforms.

Southery Academy is launched by head teacher Julian Goodrum (right) and David Pomfret, chief executive of CWA Academy Trust, with some of the students in their smart new uniforms

March 2016: Pupils at Terrington St John Primary School prepare for a Mother’s Day tea party. From left are Jasmine Lee, Kaden Loasby, Lizzie Randall and Archie Matthews.

Pupils at Terrington St John Primary School prepare for a Mother’s Day tea party. From left are Jasmine Lee, Kaden Loasby, Lizzie Randall and Archie Matthews

March 2016: The popular BBC Antiques Road Trip show visited Antiques Emporium at Tottenhill Retail Park just outside Lynn. From left are Jane Harper, Anita Manning (Antiques Road Trip) and Samantha Middleton.

The popular BBC Antiques Road Trip show visited Antiques Emporium at Tottenhill Retail Park just outside Lynn. From left are Jane Harper, Anita Manning (Antiques Road Trip) and Samantha Middleton

March 2012: Anthony Curton Primary School at Walpole St Peter celebrated World Book Day with pupils going to school as 101 Dalmatians – with head teacher Anne Senior as Cruella de Vil.

Anthony Curton Primary School at Walpole St Peter celebrated World Book Day with pupils going to school as 101 Dalmatians – with head teacher Anne Senior as Cruella de Vil

March 2012: For some time the sinking floor memorials at All Saints Church, Bircham Newton, had caused a problem. But to the delight of (from left) the Rev. Peter Cook, churchwarden Mike Lancefield, PCC member Sue Layton and churchwarden Nicky Phizacklea, these can now be repaired thanks to a £1,000 grant from English Heritage.

For some time the sinking floor memorials at All Saints Church, Bircham Newton, had caused a problem. But to the delight of (from left) the Rev. Peter Cook, churchwarden Mike Lancefield, PCC member Sue Layton and churchwarden Nicky Phizacklea, these can now be repaired thanks to a £1,000 grant from English Heritage

March 2012: Keeping fit and raising money: A Zumbathon was held at Massingham Village Hall, in aid of Harpley and Rudham playgroups.

Keeping fit and raising money: A Zumbathon was held at Massingham Village Hall,  in aid of Harpley and Rudham playgroups

March 2012: Pupils from Sporle (right) and Narborough (left) primary schools race their CO2-powered cars, built as part of national science and engineering week.

Pupils from Sporle (right) and Narborough (left) primary schools race their CO2-powered cars, built as part of national science and engineering week

March 2012: John Harris at the piano leads a sing-along during his music marathon at Heacham church hall.

John Harris at the piano leads a sing-along during his music marathon at Heacham church hall

March 2012: Lunchtime became a special occasion when the Bishop of Lynn, the Right Rev Jonathan Meyrick, visited Docking Primary School for an Easter meal as part of a tour of three church schools in the Lynn area. Also tucking in are, clockwise from front left, Lucy Webb, Bethany Norman, Kathryn Nudds, Seth Meek and James Bull.

Lunchtime became a special occasion when the Bishop of Lynn, the Right Rev Jonathan Meyrick, visited Docking Primary School for an Easter meal as part of a tour of three church schools in the Lynn area. Also tucking in are, clockwise from front left, Lucy Webb, Bethany Norman, Kathryn Nudds, Seth Meek and James Bull

March 2018: Tilney Golden Girls donated £3,700 to the British Heart Foundation (BHF) after months of dedicated fundraising. They raised a total of £7,400 and split the funds between the BHF and Young Minds. Pictured at the Barn Restaurant, Terrington St John and holding the cheque are Dawne Hart and Margaret Butler.

Tilney Golden Girls donated £3,700 to the British Heart Foundation (BHF) after months of dedicated fundraising. They raised a total of £7,400 and split the funds between the BHF and Young Minds. Pictured at the Barn Restaurant, Terrington St John and holding the cheque are Dawne Hart and Margaret Butler

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