Tae Kwon-Do success for students

Mark Farnham Schools of Tae Kwon-Do students have taken part in Colour Belt Grading examinations at the Discovery Centre in Lynn.

These ‘Gradings’ are conducted by 9th Dan Tae Kwon-Do Grand Masters from around the country, who each have over 45 years’ Tae Kwon Do experience.

To take part in a grading a student needs to have worked for an allotted time and be up to a good standard for the grade they are taking.

Lynn junior students
Lynn junior students

Some 95 students, from five years old upwards, attended three gradings on the day and there was a 100% pass rate.

Anyone interested in learning martial arts and tae kwon-do in a friendly, fun atmosphere should contact Mark Farnham on 07771644460 or visit www.mftkd.co.uk

Lynn results: 9th Kup Josh Morgan; 8th Kup Frank Kulazinski, Candice Nguyen; 7th Kup Daisie Buxton, Alex Sherratt; 6th Kup Ilenia Freeman, Sufiyan Hassain, Amaya Lali, Dominykas Kasnauskas, Matas Kasnauskas; 4th Kup Callum Warnes; 3rd Kup Riley Harris, Indre Kukanauske.

Lynn students
Lynn students

Downham results: 8th Kup Ethan Bell; 7th Kup Angelica Ashby, Kieran Ashby, Sarah-Jane Putman; 3rd Kup Gabriel Mrazek; 1st Kup Joseph Burt.

Downham students
Downham students

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