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Supermarket’s boost for school in 1996

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In our weekly Memory Lane Schooldays feature we go back 29 years…Pupils at Lynn’s Greyfriars Primary School in Lynn were book-boxing clever after Sainsbury’s presented them with £100 in January 1996.The money was donated as part of the supermarket’s School Link scheme, which aimed to forge strong relationships with schools, and was to be used to buy storage trolleys for Greyfriars’ refurbished library.

Happy pupils watch as Sainsbury’s senior store manager Martin Goodchild and Libby Bush present the cheque to school head teacher Dot Hunter

Sainsbury’s personnel manager, Libby Bush, said: “Through the year we will continue our links with the school and help out when we can.”In this picture, a sea of smiling faces surrounds Sainsbury’s senior store manager Martin Goodchild as he and Libby Bush present the cheque to school headteacher Dot Hunter.

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