Super Sam nets opening-day treble for Pelicans

Pelicans 6 Cambridge Nomads 2

Sharpshooter Sam Phillips hit an opening-day hat-trick as Pelicans started the new league season in style.

Pelicans went into their first outing of the East Men’s Division One North East campaign fresh off the back of a hard pre-season with club legend Sean Kerry returning as coach.

Despite not having as much game time during pre-season, missing key players and dealing with a scorching hot day, Pelicans settled quickest.

A youthful Pelicans men's 3rds team face the camera
A youthful Pelicans men’s 3rds team face the camera

They found themselves in front early, skipper Phillips beating the keeper for pace with a fierce strike.

It soon became 2-0 when Sam’s brother Toby found the net following an excellent pass from Ian Simons, Toby showing real desire to beat defenders and the goalkeeper to the ball.

A third followed swiftly with the captain scoring his second from a short corner.

Although being dominated on the scoreboard Nomads had their moments going forward and threatened the Pelicans’ backline of Sam Major, Iain Page and the returning Matt Southby.

Goalkeeper Matt Bower was also called into action too.

Nomads replied but almost immediately Pelicans restored their three-goal cushion after a move that involved the midfield of Phoenix Sherry, Kirwin Christoffels and Miles Doncaster, who found Simons to net with a beautiful finish across the goalkeeper.

The second half became more of a scrappy affair with both teams starting to feel the effects of the heat.

Phillips completed his hat-trick to make it 5-1 before Harry Sampson rounded off a good performance by adding a sixth.

There was still time for Nomads to pull back a consolation but they were well beaten on the day.

Pelicans head up the A47 on Saturday to face Norwich City.

4Way PoM: Sam Phillips.

Dereham 5 Men’s 3rds 2

Pelicans took a very youthful squad to Dereham on Saturday with seven of the 11 players under the age of 18.

Although it was the youngest men’s side for some years it is a great sign of what is to come in the club.

Every player displayed potential and a good performance was put in by all.

A great opening goal from Bradley Rideout gave Pelicans the lead going in the first half only to be pegged back at half-time by Dereham.

With only an 11-man squad, the heat began to take its toll on Pelicans while Dereham, with a full complement of players, were able to substitute and rest players and score more.

Charlie Lankfer pulled a second goal back late on to show that Pelicans were a team not to take lightly.

Pelicans came away with their heads held high with very promising efforts.

Congratulations to Logan Freear on his debut and congratulations to all the youngsters who put maximum effort until the final whistle.
