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‘Strong’ Morjorie who dodged bullets from aeroplane and survived cancer turns 100

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Living during the Second World War, dodging bullets from an aeroplane, having a heart attack and experiencing cancer have not stopped Morjorie Deponio from turning 100.She celebrated turning a century old at Knights Hill in Lynn on Saturday, July 13 surrounded by her family and close friends.Morjorie, who has lived with her son in Gayton for the past five years, enjoys crocheting and keeping her mind sharp by completing crosswords.

Morjorie cutting her 100th birthday cake

She grew up in Sussex and went on to marry her husband and have three children, six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.Morjorie’s daughter Lorraine Hunt said: “She survived the war and got strafed with bullets on the high street while on her bike.“She met my dad after the war, he was a prisoner of war for five years.”

Morjorie Depono surrounded by her family members on her 100th birthday

One of Morjorie’s passions was dance when she was younger. Lorraine said: “She loved dancing, my dad was in a band and my mum used to dance alone. They would go to dinner dances all the time, they absolutely loved to dance together.”A total of 23 of Morjorie’s family members and friends came together to celebrate at Knights Hill by having an afternoon tea and a special birthday cake.

Morjorie Depono with two of her children

Lorraine said that her mother cannot walk very well, but other than that, is “okay”.

Morjorie enjoyed her birthday surrounded by family members

“She survived a heart attack and cancer. She is very strong,” she said.

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