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Step back in time to when thousands of youngsters took part in Cliff Richard Tennis Trail in 2002

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In our weekly All Our Yesterdays feature we look back through the pages of old editions of the Lynn News…All Our Yesterdays: November sporting snapshotsNovember 2002: More than 1,600 primary school pupils in the district were able to take part in the Cliff Richard Tennis Trail – a free scheme aiming to encourage the sport and spot potential stars. Ten schools were involved locally, including South Wootton First School, with coaching sessions for all ages. The four youngsters pictured are, from left, Macauley Chandler, Ellen Walker, Kimberley Kendal and Nigel Russell, with coaches Julie Williams from the Cliff Richard Tennis Foundation and Paul LeServe the KES Tennis Centre development manager in Lynn.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2002: Will you come and join us? That was the plea from these members of the Lynn-based Strikes tenpin Youth Bowling Club which was looking to increase the number of youngsters at the Saturday morning sessions.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2002: These Heacham children were taught the basics of coarse fishing in a special parish council-sponsored session held at a fishing pit on the outskirts of the village. It was led by Robbie Williams (front left) and his fellow anglers (back).

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2002: Pelicans men, top of the Printwize Premier B Eastern League, face the lens before beating Letchworth 3-1. Back row from left: Stu Olley, Iain Page, Steve Long, Steve Linford, Chris Page, Danny Young and Lee Dowers; front: Ian Simmons, Sean Kerry (captain), Matt Bower, Rory Masters and Ric Corbett.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2002: A trio from the Hospital Social Club based at Lynn’s QEH won a national three-man pool competition held at Bridlington, beating an outfit from Derby 5-3 in the final. The three cuemasters all lived within walking distance of the QEH and are, from left, Matthew Glazebrook, Paul Matthews and Aly Roberts.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2005: Footballers from Lynn’s King Edward VII High School won the schools’ six-a-side competition held at The Walks before a Linnets’ match. They beat Smithdon School from Hunstanton to claim their trophy from Ken Bobbins, chairman of KLFC.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2002: The West Norfolk Sports Directory of 2003 was just about to go into print and this was a photo-call to remind local clubs and leagues to get their entry in. From left are Kate Davies, a Millennium Volunteer from Lynn KES, Roger Partridge, WN sports development manager, and Victoria King, Lynnsport development assistant.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2002: West Norfolk speedway youngsters Joe Cook and Adam Pryer were just about to jet off to Australia when they were given a special send-off by their families, friends and patrons of the Heron pub in Stow Bridge. Cook was a Lynn Conference League rider and Adam, from Stoke Ferry, rode for Peterborough.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

November 2005: Lynn’s Greyfriars Primary School received new hockey equipment from an Awards For All National Lottery grant. Pictured here are Years 5/6 with community hockey coach Lee Dowers (left) and teacher Peter Howard (right).

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King’s Lynn.

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