Stars planning to race in 2024

King’s Lynn owner Keith Chapman has confirmed the club are planning for the 2024 season – which in itself is a massive boost after the struggles of the current campaign.

Chapman stepped in to ensure the Stars completed their fixtures this year after former boss Alex Brady took the decision to cease his involvement midway through the season for personal reasons.

Brady’s hard work and enthusiasm over two years in charge could not be faulted but it did leave the club in an awkward position, especially with a losing team and riders departing, all of which made speedway at the Adrian Flux Arena a hard sell.

Robert Lambert on one wheel against the Ipswich Witches. Picture: Ian Burt
Robert Lambert on one wheel against the Ipswich Witches. Picture: Ian Burt

But Chapman, assisted by co-promoter Dale Allitt and manager David Hoggart, steered the Stars to the end of the season and they received some reward with two sensational meetings to round off the home schedule.

Home hero Robert Lambert returned to the team to inspire a dramatic win over league leaders Belle Vue, before the Stars fell agonisingly short of repeating the feat against Ipswich on Monday.

But the important news is that they will be back on track next year, which is also vital for the Premiership which currently stands to lose both Wolverhampton and Peterborough due to stadium issues.

Chapman said: “I had a smile from ear to ear all last week, because to beat Belle Vue was amazing, and it’s been a brilliant last two meetings.

“As everyone knows, I didn’t want to be here this year. I’ve done my stint and it wasn’t what I planned or wanted, but things happened and we just had to get on with it.

“I wouldn’t let the club shut, or not finish the season, but I must say I’ve enjoyed the last two meetings and it’s really given me some enthusiasm back, so that’s a good thing, and now we’ll start to go again for next year.

“It’s been lovely to see Robert back, and the reserve changes we made worked out, because Simon Lambert has given 120 per cent and Anders Rowe has been brilliant.

“David has done a sterling job as manager too. I ‘phoned him when we needed someone and he was honest enough to say he was coming back for me and he’d do it for me, and he did his very best.

“The supporters have followed us through thick and thin and they’ve really turned out in the last couple of weeks.

“I guess that also shows what Robert means to us, but all of the riders have given everything, even though the injuries we’ve had have been incredible.

“Hopefully next year we can put together a side we can all be proud of, and I just hope we start right and finish right.”

The Stars do have one league match remaining this season which is the trip to Peterborough, with a date for that meeting still to be finalised.
