Special needs group sends huge thanks to football club for help during performances

A special needs performing group were given a big helping hand by Lynn’s football team.

From July 21-24, FenSong members were welcomed by Lynn Baptist Church, Cornerstone, where they stayed and used their facilities for a four-day tour.

They performed twice, acting out their own take on the Pied Piper of Hamelin. They also took part in a workshop during the day where Cornerstone children were invited to get involved.

back row, left to right; Richard (Linnets) Alice and Becca, Middle row :Terri, Lucie, Ryan, Front row; Eddie, Millie, Skye, Livvie and Sarah.
back row, left to right; Richard (Linnets) Alice and Becca, Middle row :Terri, Lucie, Ryan, Front row; Eddie, Millie, Skye, Livvie and Sarah.

The Linnets loaned their two referee showers so that they could be locked for safe-guarding.

Stadium manager Richard Simper was kind enough to come in every day of the long weekend to open up the shower facilities from 8am, and also took FenSong on a tour of the stadium, while they were also given programmes from the Linnets to cherish.

Cate Markwell, of FenSong, said: “We have had an awesome weekend at our sister church of Cornerstone in South Lynn, and are so pleased with how the Linnets supported us, and did not charge for their facilities as part of their community programme.”

old Hunstanton beach
old Hunstanton beach

On Sunday, one of the members of the church, 80-year-old Joan, was baptised – and FenSong also sang ‘The Call’ by Regina Spektor, accompanied by British sign language. Lisa May Calvert and her daughter Rae-Anne took part as singers.

Cate added: “It was a lively service. June Love, the minister, got Tony up to be Naaman the leper – little did he know that June had also supplied FenSong with water pistols to symbolise Naaman washing himself seven times in the River Jordan.

“Poor Tony really did look like he had been dunked seven times by the time FenSong had discharged 12 water pistols on him.”

Reporting by Eloise Short

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