Six people charged with town shop theft have been named

Six people have been charged in connection with a shop theft which happened in Lynn last Friday.

Around £650 worth of stock was stolen from the store on Hardwick Road and occured at around 3.30pm.

The following six people have all been charged with theft in connection with incident:

Six people have been charged with the shop theft. Picture: iStock
Six people have been charged with the shop theft. Picture: iStock

• Gabriela Constantin, aged 45 and of Harris Street, Peterborough

• Elena Constantin, aged 41 and of Arundel Road, Peterborough

• Marius Constantin, aged 25 and of Arundel Road, Peterborough

• Ribana Matei, aged 21 and of Elm Street, Peterborough

• Andrea Cretu, aged 23 and of Elm Street, Peterborough

• Lucica Grigore, aged 31 and of Harris Street, Peterborough

They have been released on conditional bail and are due to appear at Lynn’s Magistrates Court on Thursday, June 22.