‘She wouldn’t have driven if she thought she was over the limit,’ says solicitor of drink driver

A woman who was pulled over by police for her manner of driving was subsequently found to be drink driving after having “a couple of drinks” in a town’s nightclub.

Megan Clear, 20, of School Road, Terrington St John appeared in Lynn’s Magistrates’ Court on Thursday where she admitted to driving above the specified alcohol limit.

Crown prosecutor Nicola Lamb outlined to the magistrates that on April 8, police observed a Vauxhall Corsa driving on London Road in Lynn.

Clear was pulled over on London Road in Lynn
Clear was pulled over on London Road in Lynn

Officers decided to pull the car over for its manner of driving and the driver was soon identified to be Clear.

She admitted to officers that she was drinking before but felt fine to drive.

Clear provided a specimen sample of 51mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath, the legal limit to drive is 35mcg.

However, Clear’s solicitor Andrew Cogan said that he had concerns with police’s report of Clear’s driving.

“The manner of driving is something I have real difficulty with,” said Mr Cogan.

“There was no suggestion that her manner of driving was nothing other than exemplary.”

Mr Cogan continued to explain that officer’s located on Norfolk Street and Tuesday Market Place in town may have assumed that Clear had been drinking heavily.

He continued: “She interrupted drinking with water, she wanted to be in a fit state to drive.

“She’s only just passed her driving test, she did the right thing by eating and drinking water.”

“She wouldn’t have driven if she thought she was over the limit.”

Clear was banned from driving for 12 months and was also fined £80.

She was also ordered to pay court costs of £105 and a victim surcharge of £32.