Safety concerns raised as traffic light issues remain unresolved

Safety concerns have been raised by a parish council leader as traffic light issues on a main road remain unresolved.

Travel chaos resulted in a three-car crash at Lynn’s Hardwick industrial estate last Sunday while a number signals were experiencing outages.

Highways bosses have not been able to get to the bottom of the issue – with Norfolk County Council, which manages the traffic lights, being unable to provide a response to the Lynn News.

Three cars crashed during a time when the traffic lights in the Hardwick area were off. Picture: Google Maps
Three cars crashed during a time when the traffic lights in the Hardwick area were off. Picture: Google Maps

And Rick Morrish, the leader of North Runcton Parish Council – which has the Hardwick area in its boundaries – is concerned about the potential for more crashes.

“It’s not entirely new – sometimes the lights do go out,” he said.

“Obviously if people are having accidents that’s a worry.

“You have to watch yourself 360 degrees, really, because there’s people swapping lanes and chopping lanes.

“If the lights are confusing people, that’s possibly making things worse – although to be honest, in my experience when the lights have been out, I’ve noticed that people are just more careful and wary. It seemed calmer and safer.”

Cllr Morrish believes this time of year is particularly challenging for drivers in the Hardwick area, with many people who have not used the roundabout and various lanes trying to navigate it.

And on the county council attempting to solve the issues, he added: “Sometimes problems do take a while to sort out, don’t they.”