Rotary Club brings ‘sense of normality’ to foodbank user’s Christmas with donation

Bringing a sense of normality to people’s Christmas’ was a priority for a town rotary club when they donated items such as mince pies and cranberry sauce to people using Lynn’s Foodbank.

Priory Rotary Club in Lynn set aside £600 to put together packs of Christmas food items, including tinned vegetables, gravy, Christmas puddings and more.

It is the second year that the club has donated to the foodbank, and has used funds from its Swimarathon held in February to put together the packs.

Mark Collins, Helen Gilbert (Food Bank Manager) and Rob Colwell
Mark Collins, Helen Gilbert (Food Bank Manager) and Rob Colwell

The donation was organised by the Satellite Club, leader Mark Collins, said: “Inflation meant that many of the items we bought last year had gone up in price, some by as much as 50%, so we worked hard to source everything as cheaply as possible and were able to buy enough items to put together 50 packs for those most in need.

“When money is tight, the basics have to come first, so we hope that things like cranberry sauce, mince pies and of course Christmas pudding will help make the day itself a bit more special.

Helen Gilbert, Food Bank Manager, said: “We’d like to say a massive thank you to Priory Rotary Club for their continued support to the Foodbank

which makes such a difference to local people who are struggling.

“We like to give out Christmas extras to people well before Christmas so that it takes the stress away from people – particularly families – who are just trying to maintain a small feeling of normality when circumstances may be spiralling out of control.

“We had a record-breaking December last year and are anticipating that this year the need may be even greater, so this donation is very welcome in helping us to help others.”