Robin is making a name for himself in the noble art

A West Norfolk youngster is making a name for himself in the sport of fencing.

New to this area, 15-year-old Robin Silk is currently ranked number six in the British Fencing under-17 Cadets. For his age he is number one in the country.

He began fencing at the age of six and joined Oundle, Peterborough and Stamford Epee Club. He has a fantastic coach in Chris Howser.

Showing potential from the off, Robin so enjoyed fencing on club nights that he was soon taking part in competitions.

Robin’s mother Mandy said: “Robin enjoys chess and fencing is a very tactical sport, as well as energetic. So this sport combines the mental and physical challenges which excite Robin.”

He trains at the club a couple of evenings a week and competes all over the country most months. Robin, who is home schooled, also attends a local gym and enjoys an early morning swim.

He has won under-12 and under-14 Eastern Region Championships and qualified for the British Youth Championships.

He was invited to join the Eastern Region Winton Cup event for region for Epee/Foil and Sabre last December. It was a tough weekend at Millfield School, Somerset, for all the regions, but for the first time ever Eastern Region triumphed.

Last season, Robin was invited by British Fencing to represent Great Britain at international Cadet events.

He went to Budapest, finishing 186th, France 161st and Finland 37th.

Mandy said: “These were great experiences as, being 14 at the time, he was just getting a feel for the scale of the event and the skills of his opponents.”

Mandy said they have just applied to the British Fencing Athlete Development Programme and are currently waiting to see if Robin has be given a place.

The BF Athlete Development Programme (ADP) is a six-weapon programme that exists to support athletes in achieving Olympic success and inspiring others.

Mandy said British Fencing is unable to subsidise Cadet events, so it’s the parents who end up footing the bill to pay for equipment, events and travel.

She added: “We will need additional equipment if he gets on the ADP, plus flights and hotels to international events. So, any additional sponsorship would be gratefully received.

“As parents, we are proud of the commitment and drive Robin has shown. He loves the sport, and the people who support and inspire him.”