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Pupils get hands on planting as part of their school’s garden project

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Pupils at a West Norfolk school wrapped up warm today (Monday) when they planted trees and shrubs.Pupils from Greenpark Academy in North Lynn are aiming to plant nearly 1,000 during the week as part of their Garden Project headed up by Nicola Marray-Woods, forest school leader and school grounds landscaper.The trees have been donated by the Woodland Trust and The Tree Council and each pupil will have the opportunity to ‘name their tree’.

Digging in for tree and shrub planting

Jill Graver, executive headteacher, said: “The children have been so enthusiastic about the tree planting. They are all excited to see what impact they have made. Our eco-council have been working on reducing our carbon footprint and this has contributed to their project.”

Lots of soil was needed for outdoor planting

Nicola added: “The children have worked towards this for some time, it is very satisfying seeing all the improvements taking shape for the garden project, the children have thoroughly enjoyed taking responsibility for the planning, preparing and planting.”

Two pupils busy at work planting some of the donated trees

The school has been donated soil by Top Soil at British Sugar in Wissingham and the project nearly came to a halt last week as the school said it was let down by a transport provider collecting the soil.

Spades at the ready for tree planting

However, following an appeal, BH Haulage came to the rescue and delivered 20 tonnes of soil meaning the project was back on track and the children were not left disappointed.

Shrubs and trees and tonnes of soil

The school said the community really has been a key part in making the project happen. The school’s project is also playing a part in a bigger scheme contributing to the ‘1 Million Trees for Norfolk’ – a project launched in November 2020 by Norfolk County Council – aiming to plant one million trees across the county in the next five years.

Hats and gloves were needed for Monday’s outdoor activity

This project will help Norfolk achieve its net zero carbon target by 2030.

Pupils wrapped up warm for a spell of tree planting

Education Environment Kings Lynn Sue Irving

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