Pulled hair of woman who was trying to capture escaped dog

A woman grabbed her mother’s friend by the hair after trying to capture a dog which escaped.

Sophie Ellis, 36, of Anderson Close in Lynn, appeared in the town’s magistrates court on Thursday where she admitted to a total of three offences.

Ellis pleaded guilty to assault by beating, being drunk and disorderly and causing criminal damage.

Ellis was at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday
Ellis was at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday

Prosecutor Nicola Lamb told the magistrates that on Sunday, April 2, Ellis was invited over to her mother’s house for a drinks party.

Ellis was drunk on arrival to the house and bought a group of friends with her. It was reported that she immediately became argumentative.

An argument broke out and Ellis left the property, slamming the door behind her.

During this process, a dog inside the property managed to escape. Ellis’ mother’s friend went outside to attempt to retrieve the dog.

Ellis became argumentative towards the friend and grabbed her by the hair while shouting and screaming at her.

She has a number of previous convictions including an assault in 2016.

Ms Lamb said: “She slammed the door so hard that the building shook and left a crack in the wall. She also kicked the wall which left scuff marks.”

Mitigating for Ellis was Andrew Cogan who gave some background information to the case.

He said: “There was a whole heap of people drinking at her mother’s house.”

Mr Cogan said that Ellis couldn’t remember pulling the victim’s hair, but accepts she did.

He continued: “She has an underlying issue with drinking. She can’t argue about being drunk and disorderly, there was shouting and slurring.”

Ellis was fined a total of £240 for the three offences along with a victim surcharge of £96 and court costs of £105.