Police tackle knife crime in week-long campaign

Lynn’s police team are taking part in a nationwide campain aimed at targetting knife crime this week.

Operation Sceptre aims to highlight the risks that carrying a blade can bring, as well as targeting offenders who use and carry knives.

During the week of action members of the public will be able to hand over knives to a surrender bin at Lynn’s police station. This includes kitchen knives, pen knives, flick knives, machetes, and other bladed items.

Police are tackling knife crime in the county. Picture: iStock
Police are tackling knife crime in the county. Picture: iStock

In the year up to the end of March 2023 knife crime fell in Norfolk by 11.5%.

Officers from teams across the county will work together to carry out targeted patrols and disrupt offenders who carry and use knives; work with to carry out checks at local retailers to ensure they are not selling knives to anyone under the age of 18, and inputs to young people from Safer School officers.

Inspector Ian Cox, who is co-ordinating the force’s activity, said: “This week highlights our focus on knife crime in the county. While we’ve seen a reduction in knife crime any number of incidents causes concern in the community and it’s right we do everything we can to prevent people from carrying knives in the first place.

“The various activities being carried out will focus on education, engagement, prevention, and enforcement, all of which are important in playing our part to reduce knife crime.

“By carrying a knife, you put yourself in much greater danger and are more likely to become involved in a violent situation and get injured yourself.”

If you suspect someone is carrying a knife, please call Norfolk Police on 101. Or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers is an independent charity and will not take any personal details and the call cannot be traced.

This year’s Operation Sceptre will also highlight the Home Office consultation on new knife legislation proposals to tackle the use of machetes and other bladed articles in crime.

The consultation is the result of partnership working between the NPCC National Knife Crime Working Group and the Home Office with proposals developed to support policing in targeting knife crime at a number of stages from retailers to offenders.

The consultation is open to everyone and closes 6 June.