Pelicans warm up for top-of-the-table clash with emphatic win

For the third successive game, Pelicans secured themselves a win with an emphatic 5-1 scoreline.

Although there were times in this game where they had to dig deep against a resolute Norwich Dragons side, who had yet to win this season, the visitors gave Pelicans a bit more to think about than last week’s opposition, Kettering.

However, this didn’t stop the home side from opening the scoring through Harry Sampson who got the final touch to a Sam Phillips assist.

Soon after this the pressure Dragons put on in midfield led to a turnover and swift counter-attack which resulted in a well-struck shot flying past Matt Bower in goal.

For all their pressure going forward, Bower wasn’t troubled for the remainder of the game which was mainly down to Chris Page, Iain Page and player-of-the-match Sam Major all who were outstanding throughout and didn’t allow their goal to be breached again.

This hard work was then rewarded higher up the pitch as Jack Major restored his side’s lead after good work from Kirwin Christoffels and Ian Simmons.

A third goal arrived before half-time and it was the moment the whole team had been waiting three seasons for – a first goal for Kirwin Christoffels and one he took like he was a regular scorer.

After finding himself in space after good work from Toby Phillips and Ollie Booth, Christoffels side-stepped a defender, put the goalkeeper on the floor and calmly rolled the ball home.

The second half came and the superior fitness and ability of Pelicans shone through with two further goals for Sampson and Major, who both grabbed their second goals of the game to give the home side a comfortable winning cushion.

In truth, without some excellent saves from the visiting keeper to thwart Eddie Van Aalst and Miles Doncaster it could have looked even more comfortable.

On Saturday, Pelicans face their biggest test of the season to date when they travel to Peterborough to face the team they’re locked on points with at the top of the table.

4Way MoM: Sam Major.
