Packed out cinema shows success of senior citizen film club

A year on since launching, elderly residents in West Norfolk are still enjoying a monthly film club put on by a rotary club.

The Senior Citizens Film Club is organised by Lynn’s Priory Rotary Club and sees crowds of people pack into the Alive Corn Exchange Cinema.

A total of 200 people attended the last film, which was The Great Escaper. The first event held back in November 2022 had a total of 58 visitors.

One of the packed out screenings at the senior citizen film club
One of the packed out screenings at the senior citizen film club

This is a monthly social event for older people in the community, with tea/coffee and biscuits before the film starts, and it now has a Monday and a Wednesday option available, priced at £3 per person.

Phil Davies from Priory Rotary said: “This is more than just a film club. After nearly three years of restrictions during Covid, the launch last November spurred many older citizens to start socialising again.

“Now many of them book to come every month, almost regardless of the choice of film, to meet up with friends they’ve made at the cinema.”

The next film will be The Miracle Club showing on November 20 and 22. Thereafter, the Cinema Club will take place on the third Monday and Wednesday of each month.

People are strongly encouraged to book in advance to ensure their ticket, by contacting Bharti Patel on 07375 375404 or emailing