Officers in town deal with almost 50 motoring offences in a day

Norfolk Police have dealt with a number of vehicle related crimes as part of their Roads Policing Action Day.

More than 40 vehicles were stopped by police in Lynn on Wednesday (April 12) as part of a multi-agency operation to reduce road casualties and disrupt criminality.

A number of officers took part in the Roads Policing Action Day, including those from the Roads and Armed Policing Team and the Commercial Vehicle Unit alongside partner agencies such as the DVSA.

The modern slavery team were also in attendance looking into organised immigration crime.

As part of the action day a number of vehicles were escorted onto a designated check site along Saddlebow Road.

A total of 47 vehicles were stopped throughout the day, including cars, light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles. 50 offences were identified.

A number of drivers were stopped on Wednesday in Lynn by police. Picture, iStock
A number of drivers were stopped on Wednesday in Lynn by police. Picture, iStock

Drivers were dealt with for the following:

  • Excess weight x8
  • Seat belt offence x4
  • Glass with excess tint x5
  • Driver’s hours x4
  • Registration plate offences x5
  • Load security offences x4
  • Defective brakes x1
  • Excess speed x3
  • Dangerous carriage of passengers x1
  • Mobile phone x 2
  • Construction and use offence x2
  • No insurance x2
  • No driving licence x1
  • Immediate prohibition x4
  • Carriage of dangerous goods prohibition x1
  • Driving with excess drugs x3

Inspector Will Drummond of the Joint Roads and Armed Policing said: “It is disappointing to see that despite our work to explain the dangers of the fatal four (speeding, mobile phone use, drink/drug driving and not wearing a seat belt), 12 offences were identified of this kind.

“It highlights how important action days are for Norfolk’s roads. They provide the opportunity for officers to work alongside the relevant partner agencies to have a real impact on the local community and directly improve the safety of those in the area.

“We will continue to regularly hold these events and target those who choose to not uphold the high standard we expect of Norfolk’s drivers.”

A number of Traffic Offence Report’s were issued as part of this initiative, which could result in fines and/or points on drivers’ licences.

Police say anyone with existing points on their licence risks losing it completely.