Oddfellows help combat loneliness among retirees

A society which aims to combat loneliness for retired people is reaching out for more to get involved in the group.

The Oddfellows, based in Lynn, are a group with around 378 members who meet regularly for a number of events.

Roger Williamson joined the Oddfellows after retiring and said that the group has meant that he always has something in his diary.

Roger Williamson joined the Oddfellows since retiring and says it has helped him have regular company
Roger Williamson joined the Oddfellows since retiring and says it has helped him have regular company

Roger said: “There were a lot of things to get on with initially, but after several years of leaving work I needed to find new ways to fill my day and give it some structure. I needed a few things to look forward to.

“The good thing about the Oddfellows is that there’s always something going on and it’s varied. I get the chance to spend time with all sorts of interesting people, and it doesn’t cost the earth.

“There’s options to volunteer, even if it’s just helping to clear away after an event, is really great to help feel part of a team again.”

The group has a number of affordable events coming up where newcomers are welcome to attend. This includes every Tuesday Afternoon from 2pm till 4pm seated exercises, bingo, quiz and a guest speaker/demonstration monthly.

Branch Secretary of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk District Branch , Alison Schultz , is encouraging local retirees to consider giving one of their group’s upcoming social events a try.

Alison said: “We all look forward to retirement. After so many years of working hard we deserve to start using our time on our own terms.”

“But a common theme with our members is that when the initial to do lists are all ticked off, people find themselves missing aspects of their former lives.

“Perhaps your partner is still working, or you simply miss the buzz of the workplace or a set daily routine, the desire to be social and do things doesn’t go away because you are retired. In fact, it’s even more important.

“We can help you to keep active, busy and positive in your retirement and introduce you to other retirees in your area.”

For more information, call 01553 776030 or email alison.schultz@oddfellows.co.uk.