New A&E department open and plans progressing for new hospital

In her monthly update, QEH chief executive Alice Webster writes for the Lynn News…

It was a privilege at the end of last month to see our new and improved Emergency Department open its doors to patients. This new area is the result of months of planning and hard work to improve this busy area of our hospital so patients can be assessed and treated faster. The new space has been designed with our clinical teams who know best what their patients need and has increased space for ambulance handovers allowing paramedics and ambulance staff to smoothly transfer the care of patients. The layout will make it easier for staff to monitor and care for their patients.

It’s a real step forward to see this area fully operational, giving a better experience for patients who arrive needing our help as well as providing an improved working area for staff. I’d like to say a personal thank you to the teams who have worked so hard to provide this area for our patients and to our League of Friends who generously funded new equipment for the area.

The opening of the new A&E department at the QEH
The opening of the new A&E department at the QEH

Plans are progressing for our new hospital – our staff engagement has begun and will continue for many weeks to come whilst we work across all areas to develop an understanding of our priorities for a new QEH.

We received positive news at the start of last month that the planning application to relocate our helipad has been approved by West Norfolk Council. The relocation of this essential facility is another key step forward in our journey towards a new hospital. The helipad, which is currently on the top end of the hospital site, will be relocated to farmland to the east of the hospital on the opposite side of the road along the B1145 to allow for phase two of the multi-storey car park. We expect the relocation to take place in late 2024 to allow for work needed for the new site to be undertaken and will keep you up to date on progress.

As I said last month, we continue to wait for the funding for the new multi-storey car park. We now expect work to commence on phase one of this project in mid-2024 but do not expect this delay to have an impact on the start date for our new hospital.

Winter is almost here and, as we do each year, we’re starting to see an increase in winter viruses such as the flu in our patients and staff. Please remember to do all you can to keep yourself and those around you well this winter. I would encourage anyone eligible to get a flu vaccination and Covid-19 booster and make sure you protect and support the more vulnerable people in your life.

You can help us to keep our emergency services running as quickly as possible by calling NHS 111 or accessing if you need care and don’t have life-threatening symptoms. They will be able to help you find the best place and options for treatment for your symptoms.