MP visits town’s gas compressor station helping european countries during Ukraine invasion

North West Norfolk’s MP paid a visit to a town’s gas compressor station which plays an important role in delivering energy security across Europe.

James Wild visited Lynn’s National Gas Compressor Station which has been helping European countries with energy.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the compressor station has played a vital role in supporting European countries by exporting four times more gas through Bacton than usual in the last year.

Nick Sides (left) and James Wild (right)
Nick Sides (left) and James Wild (right)

Gas supplies have been a key issue for many countries, and the work in Lynn has helped to mitigate the effects of Russian attempts to manipulate the control of gas in Europe and the rising cost.

Operators Director Nick Sides explained the integral role that King’s Lynn plays in the movement of gas.

Approximately, 42% of Great Britain’s energy is generated by gas with this being moved through various compressor stations.

Nick Sides (left) and James Wild (right)
Nick Sides (left) and James Wild (right)

Commenting on his visit, Mr Wild said: “Lynn’s Compressor Station is a strategic site that plays a vital role in getting gas to the homes, businesses, and power stations that need it.

“With Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, the importance of the station has increased as it supports our European allies with their energy security.

“It was interesting to learn more about the company’s future plans to secure a net-zero hydrogen future and I look forward to learning more about the developments in the future.”

Looking forward, National Gas explained its commitment to deliver a net zero future with the ambition through Project Union to connect, enable net zero and empower a UK hydrogen economy, repurposing existing transmission pipelines to create a hydrogen ‘backbone’ for the UK by the early 2030s.

Low carbon hydrogen is required in net zero scenarios.

With a future of increased electrification for power generation and storage, low carbon hydrogen will be needed for when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

The offshore wind farms located off the East Anglian coast, provides considerable potential for the area to benefit from the production and distribution of green hydrogen.

Nick Sides, Director of Operations at National Gas, said: “It was a privilege to be able to host the Member of Parliament for North West Norfolk at our Kings Lynn Compressor Station, a site that has played an increasingly important role in delivering energy security for Great Britain and our European neighbours following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Our team at Kings Lynn work 24/7, 365 to ensure the safe and reliable supply of gas to the South East, and it was a pleasure to be able to showcase their work in operating a strategically important UK infrastructure asset based in Norfolk.”