Mini Meet returns this weekend as hundreds of cars set to park up in town

Hundreds of Mini cars will be parked up on Lynn’s Tuesday Market Place this Sunday for the return of the Mini Meet.

The event takes place between 10am and 3pm and there’s live music too, with The Groove Hounds and The Hornets performing on stage.

Cllr Simon Ring, cabinet member for tourism, events and marketing, said: “The Mini Meet is always a popular event, with nearly 200 of the iconic classic and modern cars on display and some great live bands to entertain all the visitors to the Tuesday Market Place.

The Mini Meet on the Tuesday Market Place last year
The Mini Meet on the Tuesday Market Place last year

“It feels like summer is nearly over as the schools go back next week but we still have one of the best events on the Lynn calendar to enjoy on Sunday, September 10.

“Historic buildings open their doors for Heritage Open Day, organised by King’s Lynn Civic Society, and there’ll be more amazing cars parked in the Tuesday Market Place for the Classic Car Show on the same day. I can’t wait.”