Man ordered to pay compensation to town shops after stealing protein powder, lager and meat

A man who was caught stealing more than £200 worth of protein bars as well as other items was trying to make extra money after struggling financially – a court heard.

Olegs Belokurovs, 29, of Sir Lewis Street in Lynn admitted to two offences of theft at the town’s magistrates’ court on Thursday.

He was also sentenced for two other accounts of theft after appearing in Norwich Magistrates’ Court this year.

Belokurovs was at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday
Belokurovs was at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday

Prosecutor Sarah Fiddy said that on August 12, Belokurovs went into Lynn’s Lidl supermarket and picked up various meat products and a case of lager worth £56.79 and left the store without making any attempt to pay.

A few days later, he was arrested for the offence and was taken into police custody.

Officers had reason to carry out a drug test on Belokurovs, but he refused to carry out a test.

On August 30, Belokurovs stole £95.19 worth of protein bars from Home Bargains in Lynn. On the same day, he returned to the store and stole another lot of protein powder and bars worth £128.30.

In mitigation, George Sorrell said that Belokurovs does work, but stole because he was “short of money”.

“Although he has a decent income, things are a bit tight,” said Mr Sorrell.

The solicitor explained that Belokurovs has had extra outgoings due to his father passing away and having to cover funeral costs.

Belokurovs was fined a total of £560 for failing to do a drug test and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £224 and court costs of £105.

He was also ordered to pay £56.79 in compensation back to Lidl and £223.49 to Home Bargains.