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Man caught with cocaine and in charge of BMW above alcohol limit just days after prison release

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A 36-year-old who had only been out of prison for two days was found by police with cocaine and in charge of a BMW above the specified alcohol limit.Ryan Rostron appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, where he admitted being in charge of a vehicle above the limit as well as having 0.77g of cocaine on him.He also admitted driving the BMW without a licence or insurance.

Police spoke to Rostron at the Shell Garage in West Lynn. Picture: Google Maps

Prosecutor Collette Harper told the court that on December 21 last year at 10pm, police officers were at the Shell Garage in West Lynn and noticed the BMW Rostron was driving.Police asked for his ID and noticed a large quantity of cash in the car, which they thought was suspicious.They later found some white powder wrapped in a red cupcake case, which turned out to be cocaine. He was also asked to carry out a roadside breath test which came back positive for alcohol and Rostron was arrested and taken to Lynn’s Police Investigation Centre for questioning.Further tests revealed that Rostron had 49mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The legal limit to drive is 35mcg. In mitigation, Lisa Dade explained that Rostron, of Spring Gardens in Long Sutton, was adjusting to life out of prison, where he had served an eight-year sentence.She said that he is starting a business venture by opening a cafe with family members.Ms Dade said that the quantity of cash Rostron had was to buy the BMW that he was test driving. She said: “He is still in the early weeks of leaving prison.”For the offence, magistrates added a total of 10 penalty points to Rostron’s licence and fined him £133.He will also pay a victim surcharge of £53 and court costs of £85.

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