Man attempted to steal £300 worth of protein bars from town shop

A man attempted to steal almost £300 worth of protein bars from a town supermarket – and later stole more than £100 of confectionary from another store nearby.

Robert Read, 42, appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court last Thursday, where he admitted to one count of theft and another of attempted theft.

The case was outlined by prosecutor Stephen Munton, who said that Read first attempted to steal £276.30 worth of Grenade protein bars from Tesco Hardwick on February 6.

Tesco Lynn
Tesco Lynn

Read was seen entering the store and filling a bag with the protein bars, covering the top of it with newspaper in attempt to disguise them.

He made no attempt to pay but was seen by a security guard. Read left the bag in Tesco and ran away.

Later that month, on February 21, Read went into B&M on the Hardwick industrial estate and put a number of confectionary items in a bag – and again covered the top of the bag with a newspaper.

The items were valued at a total of £141.18, and he walked out of the store without making an attempt to pay.

Read, of Lynn Road in Wisbech, was caught shoplifting back in July 2022.

He appeared unrepresented in court, and said: “Just before this incident, my dad was diagnosed with cancer.

“I was in a panic and I was driving him for chemotherapy sessions. That was no reason for doing it.

“But my life is on the up now and I have a new job. I’m doing a lot better now.”

Magistrates, led by William Hush, punished Read byhanding him a fine of £225 per theft.

He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £180 and court costs of £145.