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Lynn business expresses fears over human workers being replaced by AI

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Lynn-based firm Southgate Global has expressed fears about the replacement of humans with AI-powered robots.The company is a leading specialist in packaging equipment, consumables and servicing for operational logistics and fulfilment.Bosses have concerns over the global warehouse automation market being predicted to surpass $37.6billion by 2030.

Southgate Global are warning others about AI

Phil O’Driscoll, head of innovation and new product development at Southgate Global, said: “We believe that many tasks remain that require the skill of human operators or that are most cost-effective when done by hand. Knowing when and when not to automate is key.”The company believes automation powered by AI is useful, but not as helpful towards tasks which are “less predictable and frequently changing”.In some cases, the cost of automation can be prohibitive to companies. Mr Driscoll added: “For the areas where automation isn’t appropriate, innovative equipment is the answer.“By optimising manual tasks through innovative equipment, companies can enhance productivity without fully relying on automation.” An example of a solution Southgate Global have introduced is its mobile-powered workstation.This is a system designed to boost workforce productivity.It incorporates its own power system to power laptops, barcode printers or scanners, and it allows users to walk and work anywhere in the warehouse. This solution has cut major costs within Southgate Global, saving customers around £11million in the last 2.5 years.Wriiten by Amelie Dockerty

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