
Lynn boxers step into the ring at Leicester

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King’s Lynn Youth Boxing had two youngsters in action at the City of Leicester Boxing Club.The first fighter in action was Joaron Koci who faced undefeated Leicester fighter Billy McCann.Both boxers came out fast but Koci was clean and on target with his shots in the opening round.Although McCann tried to push his opponent back in the second round, Koci responded by going on the attack in the remainder of the fight and was awarded the decision to make it two wins from as many fights.Lynn’s Travis Cooper then met Tommy Joseph from Leicester.Cooper boxed very well against the experienced Joseph but it wasn’t to be this time for the Lynn youngster who lost the decision.Coaches Richard Girdlestone, Mel Payne, Dave Butchers, Tim Ellis and Ryan were pleased with the performance of both fighters.Plans are afoot for Lynn to hold a dinner show on Friday, November 8.Anyone interested in becoming involved with the club should go to Hero’s Gym and ask for Mel or Richard on a Monday or Wednesday night.

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