Lorry driver fined after being medically unfit to drive vehicle

A lorry driver who was medically unfit to drive a particular weight of vehicle said he was not aware of the changes made to his licence.

Wayne Samuel, 56, appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday where he pleaded guilty to the offence, which happened on the A47 at Lynn.

Samuel was stopped while working as a lorry driver on February 10.

Samuel was driving along the A47 in Lynn. Picture: Google Maps
Samuel was driving along the A47 in Lynn. Picture: Google Maps

Prosecutor Katharine Kibrya-Dean said that Samuel was sent a letter from the DVLA saying that he could no longer drive a lorry of a certain weight due to a medical condition.

A letter was sent on February 6 to Samuel’s home address to confirm to him he could no longer drive the category of lorry. However, Samuel informed the police he was working away all week so didn’t see the letter.

Samuel has 42 previous offences to his name but had not committed any since 2001.

In mitigation, Ruth Johnson said that Samuel had previously contacted the DVLA to inform them of his health condition.

The solicitor explained that Samuel, of Betjeman Avenue, Gwent in South Wales, had since found a different lorry-driving job that was in accordance with his licence.

Magistrates added three penalty points to Samuel’s licence and fined him £116 as well as court costs of £105 and a victim surcharge of £46.