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Live music to form part of week celebrating borough’s green spaces

today 21

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Parks and green spaces throughout West Norfolk will be joining hundreds across the country taking part in a special week of celebrations.Love Parks Week is set to take place from this Friday to Sunday, August 4, bringing together local authorities, green space managers, landowners, residents and community organisations to celebrate and support green spaces all across the country.For the second year in a row, King’s Lynn parkrun will be participating in the celebrations, including flying the Love Parks Week banner as part of the campaign.

There will be music in the Bandstand at The Walks on Sunday

Music in the Bandstand continues in The Walks this Sunday with a live performance from March Brass 2000 as well.The annual national campaign led by Keep Britain Tidy is a chance for the public to celebrate and support green spaces.It aims to improve the quality of parks and green spaces, eliminating littering and reducing waste.

The Walks in King’s Lynn

Keep Britain Tidy’s chief executive Allison Ogden-Newton said: “Keep Britain Tidy’s Love Parks campaign is an opportunity for everyone to celebrate, appreciate and recognise the value of their park and green space. “To talk about what that green space means for them and their communities.“Parks improve our health and well-being, and we want everyone to hear that message so that during this week of putting the spotlight on our precious parks people who may not think parks are for them, give their local space a visit.” “Love Parks Week encourages residents to enjoy the local spaces we have and the good they do for our health and well-being.”She said the Love Parks campaign would not be possible without support from local authority partners such as West Norfolk Council, park professionals and landowners.Cllr Bal Anota, cabinet member for public open space and events at West Norfolk Council, added: “Our green spaces across the borough are appreciated by residents and our public open space team do a fantastic job in looking after them, this was recognised last week by the award of five green flags to parks in Hunstanton and King’s Lynn.”Reporting by Hannah Tuttle

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