The next publication by football author Steve Penny promises to be one ‘L’ of a book.
The former Lynn News sports editor has recently published books about football in Lanzarote, Lisbon and Lincolnshire but is coming closer to home with his next one – all about the Linnets.
It will focus on fans’ memories and opinions on their favourite things about the club, as well as sections on the history of both the present Town and previous Lynn clubs.
“I’m not aware there has ever been a book published about the Linnets and thought it was about time to address that gap,” said Steve.
“However, it will be something different in that it will be fan based, bringing together their thoughts to showcase the great depth of memories the club has to offer.”
Supporters of the club are being given the chance to write about their memories of great games, favourite players, terrific goals and the character, on and off the field, that have made following the Linnets so memorable for them.”
As well as the fans’ recollections, the book will also include highlights and lists from the club’s formation in the 19th Century right up to the present reformed Town club, thanks to assistance from Richard Clayton, who administers the history section of the Blue & Gold Supporters Trust website.
Sports columnist Gavin Caney is also assisting in the publication and will be out and about interviewing fans to add to comments submitted online.
Was Malcolm Lindsay or Mick Wright the greatest ever King’s Lynn player, or would your vote go to someone from the modern day – Adam Marriott perhaps? This is your chance to cast your vote and make their case.
Were you in the crowd when the Linnets took on Everton at Goodison Park in 1962, or do you have fantastic memories of Lynn’s win at Doncaster last year?
Who were your favourite ‘local’ players – Steve Lewis, Alex Street, Michael Clunan?
What was the best goal you’ve seen at The Walks and how long have you been supporting the Blue & Gold shirts?
Indeed, what does the Walks and the club mean to you?
Steve, has his own Lynn memories, dating back to his arrival in Norfolk in 1993.
“I think my first game was for the visit of Armitage,” he said.
“It was a goalless Southern League Midland Division draw with just a hardy bunch of loyal fans rattling round the stadium, despite the pull of having John Gidman as player-manager. Checking the records, the crowd was 541, which was actually quite good for that season with a league low of 242 recorded for the visit of Newport and away games regularly in just double figures.
“From the press box we were supposed to be unbiased but my favourite player of that era was Lee Hudson and the most memorable match the FA Cup trip to Rotherham United, for a variety of reasons. But you’ll have to get the book to find out what they were!”
A full list of questions for fans to complete is available online at https://tinyurl.com/LinnetsFans or by email from steve@stevepennymedia.co.uk
A share of profits from sales of the book, which is due out in time for Christmas, will go to a local charity and fans will have the chance to be included in a list of subscribers, with copies available at an early-bird discounted price.