Letters on a fall, a charity collection, the library and the hospital, and politics

Here are the letters from the Friday, September 15 edition of the Lynn News…

People were so kind to my friend who fell

I would like to thank the people who came to help my friend when she had a nasty fall near Las Vegas Amusements in Hunstanton on Friday.

In this day and age it was heartwarming to know that there are people who still want to help.

One woman ran to the ice cream parlour to get ice, another asked if we had a phone should we need to call an ambulance.

Then another person flagged her friend down who she knew was passing as she was a nurse.

She asked my friend several questions and recommended she went to A&E which she did. So a big thank you to those who came to our aid.

Graham Parker

via email

Thanks to all who gave so generously

Norfolk Goldwings would like to thank everyone who donated in Lynn to the collection for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, on Saturday.

Unfortunately due to the heat, we couldn’t stay all day, only collecting £322.09.

Once again, thank you for your support.


Norfolk Goldwings

Leave it as a place of interest for visitors

Just a few words about our town of Lynn.

I was born here 88 years ago and love the town – many people know me as I served in the Army in the Fifties in Germany, Japan and Korea.

Why do councils always pull down places that are of interest to people who visit Lynn?

Many have said to me, where is this or that place, and I have to tell them that the place has been pulled down.

So, leave our library as a place of interest to tourists. Sorry, but I just had to have my say.

Ray Wakefield

Terrington St John

EDITOR: Although plans are advanced to close the library and relocate it in the town centre, there are no plans to knock it down.

Let’s make sure new build fit for purpose

It seems that now the euphoria (and relief) has subsided after being told a new hospital has been confirmed for Lynn, we’re getting down to brass tacks and the underlying truth is slowly being revealed.

Recent reports in the press reveal concern from MPs on the Public Accounts Committee at the likelihood that we’re not going to see the new hospitals built by 2030 bearing in mind the concerning words of the committee’s deputy chairman Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown who says these hospitals “have yet to be designed and the funding remains unclear”.

In response, Natalie Forest from the New Hospitals Programme claims the completion date is a challenge but by using “standardised components and prefabricated parts produced off-site” they could speed up construction. Erm…Wasn’t that what they said about the now totally discredited RAAC construction?

Is anyone else fearful they’re about to bang up eventually a half-hearted, cheap-and-nasty, ill-conceived ‘prefab’ edifice which will again be falling over in 30 years?

Maybe one of our local MPs might like to shed some light on the timetable, funding, and construction or will there be a deafening silence from those quarters?

Steve Mackinder


Just what I didn’t need from an MP

I spent the recent Bank Holiday Monday reflecting on the silly season, where we all benefited from the Parliamentary recess and MPs being put out to graze.

I came up with a Top 10 of needs appended below.

1. I needed a doctor.

2. I needed a dentist.

3. I needed a chemist.

4. I needed my mobility scooter.

5. I needed my carers.

6. I needed a gardener.

7. I needed a plumber.

8. I needed a meal.

9. I needed to sleep.

10. I needed a pint of beer.

What I didn’t need was a silly politician, with another winter of discontent looming as Sir Keir Starmer strives to make accidental misgendering a hate crime. Shouldn’t MPs’ loathing of public opinion be made a hate crime?

David Fleming
