Leading lights line-up for West Norfolk in race finals

Two of West Norfolk Athletic Club’s leading lights participated in the ESAA National Cross-Country Championship, held at Wollaton Park, in Nottingham.

Evie Clayton and Edward Murray lined up for the most eagerly anticipated event of the winter for all young athletes.

In this event the best cross-country athletes in each of the 46 counties in England compete for the honour of being the best in the country.

Evie Clayton (63115754)
Evie Clayton (63115754)

The age categories comprise of 13 years and under 15 years for juniors and 15 years and under 17 years and senior: 17 years and under 19 years for intermediate with different length courses for the different age groups.

Both West Norfolk representatives had earned themselves selection after competing in the county and regional events in previous weeks.

Junior girl Clayton finished in 303rd place on the 3500m course in a time of 14m 57sec and was the eighth Norfolk athlete home out of the 12 selected.

Inter-boy Murray was originally on the reserve list but was called upon to compete for Norfolk.

Edward Murray (63115748)
Edward Murray (63115748)

And despite feeling unwell, Murray finished in 314th place in a time of 20m 39sec across a 5700m course.

His exploits saw him the sixth Norfolk athlete home of 10 selected.

The courses were reported to be incredibly tough, and it was a first time it had been used for the England Schools XC Championship finals.

A massive well done to them both and the whole Norfolk team.

In other news involving West Norfolk athletes, Under-11 boy Liam Allitt came in a fantastic fifth place in the Shouldham series in 3m08secs.

Honourable mentions go to senior representatives Debbie Schwarz and club chairman Gavin Lane after running in their 150th park runs last Saturday at Sandringham.”

n Former Ryston member Ethan Ward also competed in the English Schools Cross Country Championships in Loughborough on Saturday, and was placed 268th out of 329 competitors in a time of 16.40.

It was a demanding 4.2km course and, as Ward was the younger year in this age group, it has provided him with some great experience for his next attempt next year.