King’s Lynn Minster to hold vigil for those affected by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

King’s Lynn Minster to hold vigil for those affected by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

A prayer vigil will take place at King’s Lynn Minster on Sunday 12th February at 5pm to pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

All are invited to gather in prayer and light a candle for those affected by the disaster. A bell will be tolled half muffled and there will also be an opportunity to donate to the international relief efforts.

Canon Mark Dimond, Team Rector at the Minster, said: ‘The human tragedy that has unfolded in Turkey and Syria after the earthquake is hard to grasp. We pray for those who have been killed and injured, as well as for families who are presently in distress. There will be a vigil at the Minster at 5pm on Sunday 12th February 2023 to give people an opportunity to respond, through prayer, silence and candle-lighting.’

Those wishing to give online to support the international relief efforts can do so at the Disasters Emergency Committee website (whose partners include Christian Aid):

For more information, please contact the Minster Office at 01553 767555 or