Historic figure who founded town will be subject of heritage society’s lecture

A heritage society is holding a lecture on a town’s significant historical figure next week.

On Thursday, November 2, King’s Lynn Civic Society will be hosting a lecture on Herbert de Losinga, who founded Lynn by building St Margaret’s Church in the 12th Century.

The lecture, led by Kim Leonard, will start at 7.30pm at Thoresby College and will discuss the life and times of the bishop including details of torture, beheadings and the death of a king.

The bishop is referred to as 'the founder of Lynn'. Picture: King's Lynn Civic Society
The bishop is referred to as ‘the founder of Lynn’. Picture: King’s Lynn Civic Society

Members will receive free entry and for non-members, entry price is £2.

For more information, email info@kingslynncivicsociety.co.uk.