Highest number of speeding drivers recorded in Lynn area during police action day in Norfolk

A police action day targeting speeding drivers in Norfolk last week saw the highest number of offences recorded in the Lynn area.

On Thursday, September 14, more than 80 Community Speed Watch teams were out across Norfolk and Suffolk, with the aim of providing a presence and educating drivers about their speed.

The Community Speed Watch teams were accompanied by the camera safety team for the day, on which 438 vehicles were recorded committing speeding offences in Norfolk.

A police action day targeting speeding drivers in Norfolk last week saw the highest number of offences recorded in the Lynn area. Picture: iStock
A police action day targeting speeding drivers in Norfolk last week saw the highest number of offences recorded in the Lynn area. Picture: iStock

Police said 402 of these were first-time offences, and Lynn was the area with the highest number of offences, with a total of 145.

As part of the Community Speed Watch programme, trained volunteers verify and record the registration numbers of vehicles seen breaking the speed limit.

These details are forwarded to the Safety Camera Partnership within 48 hours.

A “warning letter” is then sent to the registered owner of the vehicle, requesting them to keep their speed down.

Community safety Sgt Sam Burton said: “This action day was a fantastic opportunity for all of the speed watch groups to work in unison at reducing speeding drivers in Norfolk and Suffolk.

“We are always looking for new volunteers to join Community Speed Watch.

“Community Speed Watch relies on volunteers who are willing to give up their time and take part in organising and running speed watch activities in their local area.

“If you would like to find out about how to join your local team or how to set up a team in your area, please get in touch by emailing community.speedwatch@norfolk.police.uk.”