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Here’s what to see and do in the coming week – including days out, cinema screenings and exhibitions

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Here’s a range of things to see and do to keep everyone entertained in the coming week.EXHIBITIONSLynn Town Hall: Stories of Lynn: Open daily, 10am to 4.30pm, £3.95 adult, £2.95 concessions, £1.95 child, £9.80 family ticket, interactive exhibitions, learn about the history of the town.

Princess Theatre Hunstanton

True’s Yard Museum: Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-4pm (last admission at 3.30pm), admission £5/£4/£2/£8.Lynn Museum, Market Street: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-5pm, and Sundays noon-4pm, latest exhibition is Wolf: A Celebration of Dogs, entrance to exhibition included in museum admission.Downham Discover Downham: Thursdays-Fridays, 10am-4pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm, discover Downham’s heritage: exhibitions, events and memorabilia, interactive displays including Fenland life. FAMILYDocking: Ripper Hall: Wednesdays, 9am – 1pm, weekly market, cafe open. Fakenham: Town Square: Thursdays, 8.30am to 2pm, weekly market.Oxborough: Oxburgh Hall: Daily, hall open 11am – 3.45pm.Sandringham: Sandringham parkland, courtyard area, and children’s play area are open: Saturday, 9am, park run, free to enter. Snettisham: Park Farm: Open daily, 10am-4pm, children’s activities, meet the animals, walking trails, tours to feed the deer.FUNDRAISINGWereham: Village Hall: every Wednesday, bingo night in aid of the hall, doors open 6.30pm.Downham: Discover Downham: Downham: Friday, November 29, 9.30am-12noon, coffee morning in aid of the centre. ENTERTAINMENTLynn: Corn Exchange:Tuesday, December 10-Sunday, January 5, Cinderella, £19-£25Corn Exchange Cinema: Paddington in Peru (PG): Fri, 1.15pm, Sat, 5pm, Sun, 1.15pm, Mon, 10.30am, 1.30pm, Tue, 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4.45pm, Wed, 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4.45pm, Thu, 10.30am, 1.30pmWicked: Fri, 10am, 3.30pm, Sun, 10am, 3.30pm, Mon, 10am, 1.15pm, 4.30pm, 7.45pm, Tue, 1.15pm, 4.30pm, 7.45pm, Wed, 10am, 1.15pm, 4.30pm, 7.45pm, Thu, 12pm, 3.30pmGladiator 2 (15): Fri, 8.30pm, Sun, 7.30pm, Mon, 4.15pm, Tue and Wed, 7.30pm, Thu, 4.15pmRear Window (1954) (PG): Fri, 11am Widow Clicquot (2023) (15): Fri, 2pmLa Cocina (2024) (15): Fri, 5pmKaimynai (18): Fri, 7pmMaria (2024) (15): Fri, 8pm This is Going to be Big (2023): Sat, 11amStudent Films from COWA: Sat and Sun, 2pmAll We Imagine as Light (2024): Sat, 5pmAnora (2024): Sat, 8pm Flow (2024): Sun, 11amHard Truths (2024): Sun, 5pmMajestic Cinema:Moana 2 (PG): Fri, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm, Sat and Sun, 10,30pm, 12pm, 2.30pm, 5pm, 8pm, Mon-Thu, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm Wicked (PG): Fri, 1.30pm, 4,30pm, 7.30pm, Sat, 7.30pm,Hunstanton: Princess Theatre:Saturday, December 7-Sunday, January 5, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, £19.50-£23Westacre Theatre:Wednesday, December 4, 7.30pm, History Wardrobe – A 1970s Christmas, £10-£20Saturday, December 14-Tuesay, December 24, History Wardrobe – A 1970s Christmas, £8-£18WALKS AND TOURSWest Norfolk Walking For Health: Co-ordinator John Priddle on 07850 914086 or wnwfh.org.uk.Friday, November 29, 2pm, Grimston Woods easterly end of Low Road, interesting route through woods, no roads.Monday, December 2, 2pm, Ringstead Courtyard Farm On left, 1 mile along Burnham Rd, fields, tracks and minor road. Good view over the coast.Wednesday, December 4, 10.30am, The Walks main entrance, opposite Library, firm flat surfaces, also suitable for wheel and push chairs. Distance to suit various needs.Thursday, December 5, 10am, Marham Fen Use Lay-by at bottom of Collin’s Lane, Marham Rd, paths, track and woods

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