Halloween party and fancy dress competition among upcoming events

In his weekly That’s Entertainment column, Andy Tyler looks at the local arts scene…

It’s always a pleasure to report on successful community events and I was delighted the Family Hub activities held recently during half-term at The Place in Lynn, for the younger age groups, were very well and enthusiastically attended by mums, dads and their young children.

There was plenty to keep everyone happily engaged and busy, and I had great fun helping the youngsters with their crafts and decorating pots for bulbs to be planted in with just the right amount of earth!

Halloween events are coming up in West Norfolk over the next week. Picture: iStock
Halloween events are coming up in West Norfolk over the next week. Picture: iStock

The Revd Kyla Sorensen Team Rector of St Faith’s Gaywood LEP, ran our table, and thanks to all the other volunteers and Norfolk County Council Family Hubs for organising the happy event.

Halloween events will be plentiful over the next few days, and nights, I just mentioned a couple this week; look out for what’s happening in your area, don’t be taken by surprise!

Tomorrow between 11.30am and 3.30pm at Lynn’s Vancouver Quarter in the town centre it’s all happening!

There’s a fancy dress competition between 12.30pm and 2.30pm, a spooky Halloween trail, street entertainment, a roaming zombie band, and magic with Josh Maddocks. It’s a free family event so do come along and enjoy. For more information visit: www.vancouverquarter.com

If you’re in Gaywood there’s a scary Halloween party, also being held tomorrow, with sessions between 4pm and 5.30pm and 6.30pm and 8pm at The Gaywood Community Centre. Do go along in costume if possible. It’s £3 per child and 2 adults per family only. There’s plenty of spooky treats, drinks and games to enjoy. To purchase tickets visit: www.gaywoodcommunitycentre.com

Planet Earth lll is being broadcast currently on BBC 1 and it reminds me to recommend a visit to Hunstanton’s Sealife on the Southern Promenade; it’s open daily except Christmas and Boxing Day, and there’s certainly some Halloween Fun to be had, including some Tricks AND Treats. To find out more go to: visitsealife.com/hunstanton there’s something for everyone to enjoy all year round!

As it’s half-term my film recommendation for the week is Trolls Band Together, an animated comedy mainly for a younger audience; it seems to be showing at most cinemas currently.

Last week I recommended the superb movie: Killers of the Flower Moon, first-class performances from the actors, and an extraordinary story. What I didn’t mention was the fact it lasts well over 3 hours, but in my opinion well worth taking the time to view. The film is based on David Grann’s factual book of the same name, now a Sunday Times bestseller.

For the many Terry Pratchett fans my book recommendation this week is:

A Stroke of the Pen – The Lost Stories, newly discovered stories by the famous much loved author.

And so to music. A reminder that The King’s Lynn Festival Autumn Events start with a Coffee Concert to be given by The Paddington Trio, this morning at 11am. The venue is Lynn’s historic Town Hall. There are more exciting Festival events being held soon, visit the Festival’s website for all the details.

The Classical Music Rocks Concert Series continues with Anthony Flaum (Tenor), and Siobhaim O’Higgins (Piano), giving a recital on the evening of Tuesday, November 7, also at Lynn Town Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are £10 at the door, free to under 21’s. The ticket price includes a refreshing drink.

The King’s Lynn Festival Chorus takes us on a journey to Paris on the evening of November 4, starting at 7.30pm.Martin Baker will also improvise on the organ, but it’s actually the organ at King’s Lynn Minster, not at Notre-Dame, Paris, sorry! Yes, works by Vierne, Franck, and Faure will also be performed at The Minster. Ben Horden conducts. Tickets available at Lynn’s Corn Exchange, 01553 764864.

Lastly, watch out for The Wizard of Oz presented by The King’s Lynn Players and coming to The Guildhall of St.George from Wednesday November 8. Details to follow, and tickets can be booked by contacting: 01553 764864.