
Grading joy for West Norfolk students

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West Norfolk students from The Mark Farnham Schools of Tae Kwon-Do have smashed their colour belt grading examinations and passed with flying colours.At the grading on Sunday, October 13, 67 students from schools across the region attended two gradings on the same day at the Discovery Centre, King’s Lynn.The students achieved a 100 per cent pass rate, meaning more than 16,000 students have passed their colour belt gradings in the last 35 years since the school was established in 1987.King’s Lynn results9th Kup: Maksim Nikiforovs.8th Kup: Aron Armalas, Edward Isajev, Sebastian Jordan.6th Kup: Natalie Day. 4th Kup: Ilenia Freeman, Dominykas Kasnauskas, Matas Kasnauskas. Downham results7th Kup: Rayen Bin Raihan, Nusaibah Binte Raihan.1st Kup: Gabriel Mrazek. Swaffham results9th Kup: Barry Smith, Lucas Smith, Ben Vine.6th Kup: Charlie Palmer.

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