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Get your your nominations in for Mayor’s Business Awards

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We want your nominations as we once again celebrate the best of the borough’s businesses with the 2025 King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Mayor’s Business Awards.The prestigious black-tie evening will be held on Friday, March 7 at its usual venue of the Alive Corn Exchange in Lynn’s Tuesday Market Place.The headline sponsor of the Business Awards is West Norfolk Council, and the Lynn News and our sister publication Your Local Paper organise the event.

Winners at last year’s awards. Picture: Ian Burt

Award categories are: Small Business of the Year (sponsored by Mapus-Smith & Lemmon), Businessperson of the Year (Brown & Co), Business Innovation (Metcalfe, Copeman & Pettefar), Environmental Champion (West Norfolk Council), Apprentice/Trainee of the Year (Greenyard Frozen), King’s Lynn Champion (Discover King’s Lynn (BID), Customer Care (My House Online), Employee of the Year (MARS), Independent Retailer and Leisure & Tourism.The awards provide an opportunity to celebrate environmental achievements and the impact of businesses on the local area.To nominate in the awards, visit: www.mayorsbusinessawards.co.uk

The Lynn News and Your Local Paper organise the awards
West Norfolk Council are the headline sponsor and the Environmental Champions award sponsor
Discover King’s Lynn are sponsoring the King’s Lynn Champion category
Metcalfe Copeman Pettefar are sponsoring the Business Innovation award
Mapus-Smith & Lemmon are sponsoring the Small Business of the Year award
My House Online are sponsoring the Customer Care award
MARS are sponsoring the Employee of the Year category
Greenyard are sponsoring the Apprentice or Trainee of the Year award
Brown & Co are sponsoring the Businessperson of the Year category

Got a business story? Email newsdesk@lynnnews.co.uk

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